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Shibang Holds Its Semi-Annual Conference Soft and Hard Power of the Group Has Been Fully Upgraded

Recently, Shanghai Shibang Machinery Co., Ltd. holds its first semi-annual conference in 2015. Shibang chairman, Mr. Yang and managers from the board, management committee, various centers and business divisions take part in the conference.

As shown in the data from sales management center, although the market situation is unsatisfying, Shibang goes against the trend, and has an increase of 27% in 1-6 months’ sales compared with that in last year.


In the conference, various Shibang centers report their work process of last half year and work plan of next half year, and propose some constructive suggestions.

“Solidifying foundation, innovation and upgrading” are annual key words of Shibang in 2015. With management system upgrading of various departments in the company, product upgrading, improved flow, informatization and automation of production system, and other all-around upgrading and innovation, hard and soft power of Shibang is being improved steadily.

In the end of the conference, the Chairman, Mr. Yang, shares the design thinking and progress of the new head office in Huadong Road with all participants, and looks into the development prospects of future three to five years of the company.